NA Pairs

District 5

The 2021 District North American Pairs Finals is scheduled for October 2-3 and will be online on Bridge Base Online.

All players must be a District 5 member and must have qualified in an NAP qualifier.

Pre-Registration is Required: Registration emails must be sent prior to Wed Sept 29th 5pm to and must include: Both players names, ACBL #s , BBO usernames, Flight, each players email and phone.

This is a four session two-day event and all flights will play two sessions on both October 2 and October 3. The entry fee is $12 per person for each session. BBO will collect $48 before the first session.

See the Flyer for additional details including the session starting times.

Flights are determined by masterpoint holding on June 1

  • Flight A= Unlimited Overall points are gold
  • Flight B= 0-2500 Overall points are gold
  • Flight C= 0-Non-Life Master Overall points are 50% Gold 50% Red
Pre-qualification is required. This is done at local clubs at qualifying games in June, July and August. Check with your club director for dates.

The top three pairs in Flight A and the top four pairs in Flights B and C qualify to compete at the Spring NABC in Reno NV in March 2022.

Club Managers and Directors: Here are instructions for setting up a NAP qualifying game.

For more information about the 2021 NA Pairs contact: Ron Franck, our NAP Coordinator, at 412-913-1505 or at or the Diretor in Charge Alex Bealles at